Snö, is, minusgrader.

Jag vet, jag har snöat in på klimatet.

Global uppvärmining:

I Sydamerika gick den gågna vintern till historien som den kallaste någonsin. I Argentina dog 34 människor direkt eller indirekt av kylan.
"According to the Servicio Meteorologico Nacional (Argentina's National Weather Service), the low temperature of 0.3ºC registered in Downtown Buenos Aires was the lowest for the month of May since May 29th, 1962."
"The snow also fell in the city of Cordoba, where it is unusual to snow. The snow event was the first in the month of May since 1971."

I Peru satte man in katastrofåtgärder i 14 av de 24 provinserna pga det svåra vädret.
"For the past 6 weeks Peru has been in the grip of extremly cold weather with temperatures ranging between -22º and -15º C. The record breaking cold spell has already affected over 200,000 people, caused the death of 55 children under five and is responsible for over 6,000 cases of pneumonia."
"With ten weeks of Winter left, forecasters predict temperatures will drop further."

Chile drabbades hårt av kyla. 85 000 djur dog.
"Harsh winter weather initially hit Chile the first week of August, damaging fruit and vegetable crops the length of Chile's Central Valley, the nation's key growing area. The cold weather intensified the second week of August, dumping snow on the capital city of Santiago for the first time in nine years and plunging temperatures well below the freezing mark."
"This has been the toughest winter we have seen in the past 50 years, and the latest snow storms means less exports, job losses, less fresh vegetables and an overall negative impact for regional and local economies," said Agriculture Minister Alvaro Rojas."

"In northeastern Australia, the city of Townsville underwent the longest period of continuously cold weather since 1941"

"Johannesburg, South Africa, had the first significant snowfall in 26 years."

Nya Zealand.
"In New Zealand, the weather turned so cold that vineyards were endangered"

Flera stater i USA drabbades också av det kalla vädret.
"Last January, $1.42 billion worth of California produce was lost to a devastating five-day freeze. Thousands of agricultural employees were thrown out of work."
"In April, a killing freeze destroyed 95 percent of South Carolina's peach crop, and 90 percent of North Carolina's apple harvest."
"At Charlotte, N.C., a record low temperature of 21 degrees Fahrenheit on April 8 was the coldest ever recorded for April, breaking a record set in 1923."
"On June 8, Denver recorded a new low of 31 degrees Fahrenheit. Denver's temperature records extend back to 1872."
"Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri are just emerging from a destructive ice storm that left at least 36 people dead and a million without electric power."

Mer från USA. Bl a New Hampshire som inte fått så mycket snö sedan 1876.
"December's snowfall at Concord, N.H., totaled 44.5 inches, toppling a record of 43 inches that had stood since 1876."

Kanada. Kallaste vintern på 15 år.
"Much of Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Alberta and parts of British Columbia and southern Ontario will also see above-normal precipitation."

Sibirien. Ner mot -60 grader...
"Two people have already died in the region of Irkutsk in central Siberia, Russian state television reported. More than 30 others have been hospitalised in Irkutsk with frost-bite."

I Bagdad har det för första gången snöat.
Snow has fallen in Baghdad for the first time in memory, and delighted residents are declaring it an omen of peace."

"Heavy snow, avalanches and cold weather have killed at least 85 people in western Afghanistan in recent days, officials said."

Det snöar i Saudi Arabien också.
Some regions have been experiencing problems with water supplies as pipes have frozen, and livestock has died from the cold."

I Iran har man haft det värsta snöfallet på tio år.
"At least 21 people have been killed and 88 others injured ... as a result of heavy snow," state-run radio reported. "Some died of the severe cold, some were buried under avalanches and others died after their cars overturned on snow-covered roads."

Uzbekistan har inte haft så kallt på 40 år.
"In Uzbekistan, which has been suffering its coldest temperatures for almost four decades, human rights groups reported that a small group of women and children held a demonstration in Samarkand to protest against shortages of gas and electricity supplies to rural areas nearby."
...samma källa, men nu södra Kazakhstan...
"In southern Kazakhstan, people say they are struggling to keep warm in unusually low temperatures, ranging from -10C during the day to -25 degrees overnight."

"Kuwaiti meteorologists are eagerly watching thermometers to see if the previous low recorded in the open desert, minus four degrees Celsius in 1964, could be broken in the coming days.

En länk till en artikel i vilken experter förutspår att 2007 kommer bli det varmaste året på länge, det fanns en 60%ig chans att 2007 skulle bli minst lika varmt som 1998.......

Postat av: Anonym

We get it. Global nedkylning snarare än uppmärmning. Hittar du inte artiklar om värmeböljorna som Europa råkat ut för på senare år, eller faller de inom ramarna för vad som är normalt under ett längre perspektiv?

2008-07-15 @ 13:02:28
Postat av: Sveriges snyggaste bonde

Värme i Grekland är mer normalt än snö i Saudi Arabien.

2008-07-15 @ 13:05:50
Postat av: Anonym

det var ju också ett svar.

2008-07-15 @ 13:29:49
Postat av: Cowgirl

Men om snö i Saudiarabien (som för övrigt inte ska särskrivas på svenska vad jag vet) inte är normalt, är det då inte ett tecken på att något har hänt?

Bara undrar...

Och du, det går bra med födelsedagspresent i efterskott :-)

2008-07-15 @ 19:41:43
Postat av: Sveriges snyggaste bonde

Snö i mellanöstern och värme i Europa tror jag vi hade fått se även om vi inte börjat köra bil. Ingenting är statiskt. Särskilt inte vädret.

Det som hänt stämmer i alla fall inte med tesen i An inconvenient truth som du rekomenderade igår. Det håller på att bli varmare överallt. Det är ingen motpolseffekt med kallare där det är varmt och varmare där det är kallt som sker, det kommer inte bli kallare här och varmare där, det blir varmare precis överallt.

2008-07-16 @ 07:22:57
Postat av: Anderz

Vedum 17/7 2008 kl 9.30 14 grader, Var ÄR växthus effekten?

2008-07-17 @ 09:38:57
Postat av: Hanna

Tack för födelsedagshälsningen. Bättre sent än aldrig, och ibland är det bättre ju senare... Höhö. Imorgon sticker jag och mitt entourage till Dalarna, ska bli roligt.

2008-07-24 @ 00:40:17

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